With Christmas parties, endless shopping, vast amounts of wrapping to be done and numerous social events to attend over the holidays. It really shouldn’t come as much of surprise when we all start to feel exhausted, deflated and a little less than festive. Factor in hangovers and the dreaded Winter cold and you have yourself a recipe for the annual Christmas burnout.

But what if you could find a way to avoid that feeling of exhaustion and learn to love Christmas again? Here are my top 10 tips on how to enjoy the build up to Christmas and stay feeling energised.
- Run yourself a Lush bath and feel the days stresses floating away as you soak in a tub full of wonderful Christmas goodies.
- Curl up on the sofa and enjoy a Christmas film or two – festive PJ’s are optional but highly recommended.
- Snuggle up with your loved ones. If you are lucky enough to have a furry four-legged friend then enjoy some quality time together.
- Plan to wrap little but often. Spreading the workload over a longer period, will keep you feeling motivated without feeling overwhelmed.
- Learn to say no and prioritise what is important to you – family meet up vs Office work do?
- Doing Blogmas? Don’t panic if you miss one or two posts. It will still be there tomorrow.
- Try to schedule early nights, you can always record your favourite programme and watch it on your days off.
- Stock up on vitamins and try to keep sweets to a minimum. Failing that throw in the odd Satsuma to avoid chocolate overload. Who am I kidding? – pass me the Celebrations.
- Start Christmas shopping earlier. If all else fails there is always online shopping.
- Remember to spend time with Family and friends and try to enjoy the little things.

Do you have any tips on how to stay energised over Christmas? Happy Sunday.
Love Emma